💼 Side hustles can be a great way to make extra money while being retired and drawing Social Security.
🎣 One potential side hustle is doing product demonstrations for companies like Crossmark, where you can promote and distribute samples of various products in stores like Publix and Total Wine and More.
🍷 Working for companies that focus on alcohol demos can often be more lucrative than food demos, with potential earnings of $20 to $30 per hour.
⛳ Other side hustle opportunities include working at golf courses, assisting contractors or handymen, or exploring various part-time jobs.
📝 Senior citizens looking for side hustles can search for wine tasting marketing companies or similar organizations in their area.
☀️ Side hustles can provide flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to work in air-conditioned environments.
💪 Side hustles can be a preferable alternative to physically demanding jobs or tasks that may pose risks like injuries or sunburn.
📆 Availability of side hustle opportunities may vary, so it's important to contact the relevant companies or organizations and inquire about openings.
🌡️ The transcript also mentions the current weather being hot and the speaker's plans to go to the gym later.