00:00 🎬 Impact of Strikes on Studios
- Corey Mandell discusses how strikes affect the studios in the entertainment industry.
00:26 🌟 2008 Writer's Strike and Reality TV
- In 2008, the last writer's strike coincided with the rise of reality TV, leading studios to invest in reality TV content.
- Studios embraced reality TV due to cost-effectiveness during the strike.
01:17 💔 Struggles of Writers in 2008 Strike
- Writers faced significant challenges during the 2008 strike, with diminished leverage.
- The lack of bargaining power resulted in an unfavorable deal for writers.
02:12 🚫 Netflix's Arrogant Response in 2023
- Netflix initially dismissed the 2023 strike by focusing on reality TV.
- The actors' strike and the fear of audience migration forced Netflix to reconsider its strategy.
03:08 📺 Evolution of Audience Preferences
- In 2023, the audience's content preferences had evolved, thanks to streaming platforms like Netflix.
- The abundance of quality content changed viewer expectations.
04:50 💥 Disruption of the Entertainment Industry
- Streaming platforms have disrupted the traditional entertainment industry.
- Artists and creators have more control and flexibility to choose distribution methods.
07:30 👥 Artist-Friendly Collectives
- New writer and actor collectives are emerging, aiming to create artist-friendly platforms.
- These collectives will establish rules and structures that prioritize artists over profit.
08:49 🌐 The Changing Landscape of Entertainment
- Taylor Swift's independent movie distribution illustrates a shift away from traditional studios.
- More artists and creators may bypass studios to have more control over their content.
11:05 🎬 A Positive Example of Producer Support
- An example of producers advocating for a less experienced writer's opportunity.
- Producers recognized the value of supporting new talent and resisted the urge to hire a more expensive writer.
13:43 🤝 Creating Artist-Friendly Rules
- New artist-friendly collectives will be founded by writers and actors who understand the importance of supporting their own.
- These collectives will aim to create rules that benefit artists and the quality of content.