PLEASE tell anybody OVER-65: De-escalate THESE medicines if you can - YouTube
- 00:00:14 🩺 Many senior citizens are overmedicated; de-escalation of unnecessary medications is crucial.
- 00:01:08 📊 90% of individuals over 65 take at least one prescription pill, with 40% on four or more medications.
- 00:02:28 💊 Statins may be unnecessary for seniors; consult your doctor about their long-term effectiveness and risks.
- 00:04:07 ⚖️ Regularly review blood pressure medications; low blood pressure in older adults can lead to serious health issues.
- 00:05:15 💤 Muscle relaxants and pain medications can cause drowsiness and cognitive issues; many older patients may not need high doses.
- 00:06:40 🤔 Antidepressants may be overprescribed; many patients experience no worsening of symptoms after tapering off.
- 00:07:46 🔍 Regular thyroid tests are essential; many older adults are overtreated with thyroid medications.
- 00:08:40 🚰 Diuretics are often overdosed in older patients; proper review can lead to safer, reduced dosages.
- 00:10:17 💰 De-escalating medications can lower costs and reduce the risk of side effects in seniors.
August 13, 2024 at 10:20:33 AM PDT
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Will your STATIN medicine give you DEMENTIA? - YouTube
- 00:00:05 ⚠️ Dr. Seil raises concerns about the potential link between statins and cognitive decline, emphasizing the need for more research.
- 00:14:12 📉 The FDA has mandated black box warnings on statins for possible adverse effects on cognitive performance, including memory loss.
- 00:02:34 💊 Many elderly patients are prescribed high doses of statins without substantial evidence to support the practice.
- 00:03:04 🧠 Statins might impair brain function by lowering cholesterol, which is crucial for synapse formation and neuronal health.
- 00:04:35 🔋 Coenzyme Q10 depletion from statin use may hinder mitochondrial function, affecting neuronal energy production.
- 00:05:04 🚨 Statins could disrupt microglia function, potentially leading to chronic inflammation, a known factor in dementia.
- 00:05:18 🧬 Reduced levels of neuroprotective steroids like progesterone and testosterone due to statins may contribute to cognitive decline.
- 00:05:31 ⚗️ Statins influence amyloid beta metabolism, which is important in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
- 00:06:41 🔍 Patients on statins should discuss the true benefits versus risks of the medication with their doctors.
August 13, 2024 at 9:46:04 AM PDT
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