reflect and diminish, really good point, communicate you're on the same team--first priority. Then lower the anger a bit and get practical.
Move eyes laterally to suppress? the fear center (amygdala?). When moving forward, it isn't limbs that suppress fear but the lateral movement of the eyes. So it's a third reaction beyond fight of flight...facing the fear, moving foward and facing the fear...which seems like fight, right?
Where apologies may seek to shut communication down, repair seeks to open communication up.
00:00 🧠 Understanding the Brain's Negativity Bias
03:10 🕷️ The Impact of Negativity Bias on Perception
07:19 🔍 Challenging Negativity Bias
And it's possible to say yes to a person (reflect what you see in them, value them) but no to an idea. Good distinction.
I am distinguishing mental suffering from physical pain. Pain occurs in the body and is a physical reaction—like when you stub your toe or break an arm. The suffering I speak of occurs in the mind only and describes things such as worry, anger, anxiety, regret, jealousy, shame, and a host of other negative mental states. I know it’s a big claim to say that all these kinds of suffering are the result of a fictitious sense of self. For now, the essence of this idea is captured brilliantly by Taoist philosopher and author Wei Wu Wei when he writes, “Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself — and there isn’t one.”
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