New bit--expat insurance. If living out of U.S. you may be able to use another countries insurance system, which is likely cheaper than U.S. Fuck me! Why is it this way!!!
The video discusses the challenge of obtaining healthcare insurance in the US when retiring before the age of 65. The primary provider of healthcare insurance is employers, but leaving work before retirement can be expensive, as COBRA coverage is typically double or more of what was paid while employed. Healthcare insurance exchanges, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, can be a viable option and may qualify for a subsidy based on taxable income. However, the costs can vary significantly by state and county, and the video recommends speaking to a fee-only financial advisor or accountant for personalized advice. The video also lists five ideas for obtaining healthcare insurance, with the last two being the most effective and beneficial.
New out of network law.
IMP: If you cancel cobra, that is NOT a qualifying event for special enrollment in ACA. Wow!