00:00 🧠 Intelligent people can also adopt false beliefs.
02:11 🤔 Intelligent agents pursue goals, not necessarily truth.
03:35 💬 Intelligent individuals are better at self-deception.
05:18 📚 Wokeism: An example of fashionably irrational beliefs.
06:38 📖 Master debaters utilize academic jargon to promote ideological agendas.
08:58 🔄 Historical context: Wokeism as a contemporary manifestation of identity-protective cognition.
11:18 🤔 Overcoming biases requires curiosity and humility.
14:36 🎓 Rationality depends more on character than intelligence.
Dilution effect. Adding more points to an argument dilutes the impact. Averaging not cumulative. Focus on main argument. Less is more. Quality over quantity. Think of side effects got drug ad. Listing Major and minor side effects produces average risk assessment. Average major and minor together. List only major and higher risk assessment.