Dixie got to Cascade Locks and Bridge of the Gods. Neat to see.
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go” ~ Jamie Anderson
Duct tape
cooking cozie
separate food for each day
carry out town food
dental floss for teeth and repairs
Needle for dental floss
Butt pad
split hotel room
remove TP tube
rebounce the bounce box
utilize guides
Stay calm
Don't run (like other cats, attracted to motion)
Avoid bending down or crouching.
Stare them down (w/ bears, avoid eye contact but w/ lions...stare them down).
Raise voice and speak firmly
If they approach, show you are BIG--raise arms and trekking poles, open coat
Clap hands, throw stone/stick in general direction
If attack, fight for your life (not like w/ grizzly where you play dead) FIGHT!!!
Protect head and neck
Aim for face or throat
Carolyn is keeping her food in an odor proof bag and sleeping with it. Special clip helps keep it air tight. Says other hikers doing same. Wow.
Interesting front loaded small fanny pack of sorts that rides higher on the body, on the ribs.
Magnesium pills
Enough to eat
Enough to drink
Don't get too wet
Don't get too cold
Sleep warm
Don't get lost
Tent, sleeping bag, pack
Shug recommends their stuff a lot. Expensive, but probably worth it. Looks real good--for dehydrated food.