Discussion between Ted Cruz and Eric Weinstein.
I don't know about agendas, but I think Eric is right that we should all be wearing masks. Never made sense not to wear masks.
"If you build a closed system, eventually the computer will always win."
Okay, Eric...You're right. Tom Lehrer is an irreverant genius--listening to his work will change your life.
Eric Weinstein says knowing the work of Tom Lehrer will change your life, so...I need to get back to this :)
Tech and software is killing jobs, which is killing the current practice of capitalism. By killing jobs and centralizing capital into corps, the majority of humanity is left behind UNLESS...what? Redistribution? UBI could be part of the solution, but ultimately we need to change how we educate people.
We educate and train humans to do what software does best--THAT is what we must reverse, but Eric doesn't feel our education system is designed for that task, and there is no model / ism to replace capitalism, which has him pessimistic about the future, and why he's looking to new leadership, new thought leaders to develop that new model / ism.
He uses the structure of a computer program where parts of the program are run once, but other parts are run repetitively as loops. We train for loops when we must educate for the run once scenarios.
His favorite movie, Kung Fu Panda illustrates this.