🍕 The speaker loves pizza and thinks it's important to try new things besides just their favorite food, including tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs).
🎲 There are many TTRPGs besides Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), and some of them are just as easy if not easier to learn and play.
💭 There are misconceptions about learning and playing TTRPGs other than D&D, and the speaker wants to address them.
🤔 One common misconception is that trying a new TTRPG requires stopping a current campaign or switching systems, but this isn't true. Playing a one-shot using a new game can be a great way to try it out without making a long-term commitment.
⏰ Finding time to play any TTRPG can be difficult, but trying a new one doesn't necessarily require more time than playing an existing campaign.
⚙️ Another misconception is that picking up the rules for a new TTRPG takes too much time, even for experienced game designers. However, many TTRPGs have quick start rules and one-shot adventures available for free or cheap, making it easier to try them out.
💥 Don't let misconceptions stop you from trying out different TTRPGs and finding what you enjoy.